Earn Extra Income with the OnlyHolistic.com Affiliate Program
For every person who joins, you’ll get 50% commission!!!
That’s right, we’ll pay you 50% commission! that you refer to us.
Click icon below to create an affiliate account and to start sharing.
Track the progress from your dashboard
From your affiliate dashboard, you will be able to see live data of how many clicks your links have generated, how much money you have earned and more!
Frequently Asked Questions:
How does it work?
When people enter our website using your link and create a new account, your partner information will become permanently associated with that new account.
Your partner information is also stored in a long-lasting cookie. Therefore, even if a visitor doesn’t sign-up right away, but comes back and signs up in the next 90 days, you still get credited for this referral.
How will I get paid?
We pay affiliate commissions using Paypal money transfer or Revolut. Affiliate commissions are sent out on a monthly basis, the first Friday, 14 days into the next month.
If you don’t have a PayPal account, it will be automatically set up, once you receive your first payment from us.