The acai berry is quite versatile. These fruits are applied both in cosmetics and in medicine. They also function as a dietary supplement to help your weight loss process
Already a small amount of this fruit, enough to retain the youthful appearance of your skin. Besides, they have a huge impact on the inhibition of aging process of the skin. Their action also has impact on the delay of the first wrinkles-even on very damaged (e.g. by stimulants).
Acai berries have a beneficial effect on the condition of our hair and nails.
One acai berry has in itself, among other things, it is very important for our health antioxidants. These, in turn, prevents the formation of very harmful free radicals responsible for the weakening of the body and the occurrence of diseases. One acai berry contains about 15-20 times more of these valuable ingredients than black grapes, bilberry American and cranberries. Acai fruits prevent cancer formation, therefore. Also have the braking characteristics of the development of existing cancer cells and their metastasis.
Acai berries are also on the work of many of our internal systems, supporting the operation of organs such as the heart or brain. These fruits also support the proper functioning of the systems:
And Ano-.
Immune System;
Nervous System.
Thanks to their regular use, we can improve our memory and concentration (brain). They can also be very helpful in providing us a peaceful sleep (the nervous system). They also have a salutary impact on the effective reduction of the stress and strain of the organism in terms of psychic. Help in maintaining the general well-being.
Acai berry antioxidant content thanks a bunch, also exhibit characteristics: antibacterial and anti-virus. For this reason, are welcome in the treatments of the skin. There are also adjuvant in chronic allergies.
Due to the fact that they are a rich source of antioxidants, very often we recommend them as dietary supplements for weight loss. Their regular use, affect: accelerating the metabolism, reducing appetite, increase energy necessary for physical exercise (motor activity) that is an essential element of any slimming.
This inconspicuous the acai berry has in itself also very essential for the proper functioning of our system of amino acids. For this reason, acai berries are recommended as a great help in the process of regeneration of the regime. Have a clear way to raising the level of energy consumed. They also have a beneficial effect when it comes to the functioning of our muscles. Show impact on them: normal development and strength. Acai fruits also affect the rebuilding of damaged or worn out tissues. Therefore, they are recommended mostly to very active physically. In their case, the acai berries are very helpful components in addition to the daily diet.
As numerous studies, acai berries also have the phytosterols. These in turn are responsible for blocking the absorption of cholesterol. Thus become very helpful in the fight against the so-called bad cholesterol. Reduce its level and increase the level of good cholesterol.
Acai berry is also a wealth of such ingredients as: potassium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, iron. These are the minerals. They have a huge impact on the proper functioning of the General of our regime. Therefore, these fruits support proper growth, development and employment of most of our layouts. Contribute to the strengthening of our body and act as purveyor of these essential ingredients for him.
Acai berries are rich in vitamins. Thanks to turn out to be very useful in the overall improvement of our health.
In addition, on the basis of the carried out research into the properties of the acai berry, it was also a very significant impact on:
Improving eyesight-the content of beta-carotene and vitamin C helps in strengthening, inter alia, the retina of the eye;
Cleansing the body of accumulated toxins;
Improved sexual performance-prevent infertility as well as stimulation of the libido level disturbed stress or improper eating habits in life and nutrition;
Equalization of sugars and fats in the body;
Prevention of prostate health problems-preparations on the basis of the berries provide repressive regimes clearly expressed the greatest man dose antioxidants, so to protect his or her health effectively intimate;
Prevention of osteoporosis is the acai berry is a rich source of calcium, thanks to its regular consumption helps in addition to diet in this important for the health of our bones component; prevent the formation of bone loss and overall their weakened;
Mitigate the painful periods-preparations with acai berries are a sort of umbrella for the walls of the uterus odsłanianej by złuszczającą to mucous membrane and thus relieve the pain they and reduce cramping and swelling;
Preventing stomach ulcer disease-conducive ago antibacterial properties;
To reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease-this is made possible by an increased amount of vitamin C and E, which show the latest medical research on Alzheimer’s – are of the utmost importance in prevention;
Mitigate asthma symptoms-this is made possible by the higher content of vitamin C;
Keeping your teeth and gums-foster ago anti-inflammatory properties and a large dose of calcium.