What is Kundalini?
For me, the soul is flowing stream of consciousness, the source and back. The balanced state is the eternal flow of creativity, represented symbolically as number 8. You are then able to creatively alignment with the divine, every step you feel a connection with the universe, and in your ears is harmonized orchestra sounds. It is as if every action was supported and even when your creative character is locked in the material world by something or someone, you are still able to appreciate the deeper meaning – a deeper learning that all events are invited contributors to the realization.
This flow is the flow of creativity balanced soul. It is the kundalini.
Most of us – if not all – suffered losses of the natural state in the early stages of life. This is due to the internal intervention – opposing Consciousness – the intention is to separate mankind from his divinity and to create an artificial world in which enslave him. When you look carefully around and look at how people live, easily you admit how effective is this separation.
However, we can activate the kundalini. For this to happen, we will take you on a journey to the depths, to make the discovery of who you really are and what is your place in the universe. You will become again an active channel for divine expression. So how do you do it? How to recover your true nature?
To activate Kundalini
Firstly, it is very helpful to maintain awareness of the deep communication through spiritual practice. The strength of meditation can not be overestimated. It is, of course, many of its forms, but essentially we are looking for a way to weaken identification with the lower, physical and emotional nature – going beyond her and touching gentleness around us. They are experienced in the form of a sense of spread, pure light, stillness and peace. When you begin to realize this higher nature, accompanies you a feeling of well-being and harmony: the pure inner peace.
This can be achieved through innumerable spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, martial arts, shamanism, healing sounds, aromatherapy, five dance rhythms, contact with nature, and one of them is probably the most powerful – is the sexual intimacy of love. However, the combination of the higher self is not everything. This is just the beginning – plain, which we have to crawl over and we have to climb in order to develop more. Then we need to clean up the channels of lower bodies to actually unite the lower and higher self. How do we do it?
3D render of a female in a yoga pose against a sunset sky
Opening the Channels Kundalini
The lower self, composed of body and mind, is essentially separated from the higher self through karmic barrier in fourth density, which is responsible for the ego. It is the consciousness that makes people from basic desires through fear and sense of lack. Therefore, we must confront these patterns based on fear, which block our lower levels of awareness and break them. Imagine that you are sitting at a concert orchestra music in the bass section plays so loud that the softer sounds of flute (for example) can not be heard or sensed. Such is the effect of denser vibration of consciousness in society.
And here are some key issues that we have to look at.
Processed foods full of impurities. As preservative, and pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, artificial colors and genetically modified organisms. These disturbing substances create toxins in the body to stimulate. They work on the same principle as white noise, drawing our awareness to denser levels of vibration. The same is with meat and dairy products, to consume and digest that the human body is not equipped with what many would probably disagreed. According to me, when people go on a diet based mainly on plants, they are become healthier, and the vibration increases. Also, their sense of communication increases significantly (see Conscious Kitchen Trinity).
Fear and control:
Most of the anxiety arises when we realize that we can not control the situation – when you want a specific solution or refuse to accept this, what was happening. This is due to the mistaken equating someone who we think we are. In this way, erroneously recognized the need creates tension and density, which sucks the soul just like a sponge sucks up water. You can literally feel the contraction in the middle. However, if you take on a challenge, when this process takes place and release tension and give up the need to obtain a particular result, we find that the universe is formed in us, “Right Action” ( “appropriate” here is defined as harmonized). Again you begin to feel connected as a manifestation of Unity Life.
External obstacles:
It seems that the public has been deliberately created to ensure that separate people from their inner self. However, within us it is a place where lies our strength – our kundalini. Our internal shape of consciousness creates reality we experience. Both harmonize our state and its disorders are reflected in the outside world. So try to fix the outside world is meaningless waste of time and only separates us from the creative source. Therefore, we must not only explore their interior, but also still tune in to our inner self through events in our lives. You touch a place where there is emptiness – the infinite potential – crystal clear transparency of Understanding. As a result, flows to you appropriate action. It may well be a joy coming from the material world, but experiencing it, because you have a sense of rightness. There is then lost. Your actions are supported by co-creating harmony of the universe.
Inner Child / Internal teenager:
When we become part of the life course in such a way, the soul begins to integrate. The purpose of this is sacred experience of Oneness. In this way (assuming we let) soul will flow to all internal density, which block the development of freedom of enlightened life – driven by kundalini. In particular, they take us to the identity of our inner child and teenager – a complex internal network of fixed behaviors, fears and identification with illusion. False I produce false filters, which we impose on reality. With their help we evaluate life, thus creating unsustainable choices introductory disharmony. So when the soul enters there, we have to let the rigidity caused by the filters revealed in the form of internal tension, but now it will be streamlined and reduced. We need to challenge learned behaviors lower face them, break the string of old response and the place to choose responses from the highest level of truth. This will result in relaxation of the old density.
Forms of Consciousness:
Limiting forms of consciousness is pervasive as a field, affecting the mind and emotions. It is a network established attitudes and behavior – energy – which appropriates people. We believe that we are making free elections, but in most they are limited fields and parameters. You’ll see it when you start to make free choices of the soul – you will have a tendency to oppose unsustainable social customs. It is extremely important that we appreciate the newly emerging truth. Otherwise, we will continue to suppress the life and deprive them of the soul. There is no need to stay in conflicts, but if they do occur, we can still express your truth tactfully and without rancor. Sometimes this may mean that you do not say or do not do anything, but over time we will be ready to proceed in accordance with the inner voice of truth and vigorously said: “This is my place! I’m standing here. ” All this is a matter of tuning in. If we constantly express your soul, as a result it will strengthen.
Electromagnetic field (eg WiFi):
The surrounding area is full of interference from electronic frequency with wifi, cell phone networks, electrical circuits in household gadgets and devices. They cause a great number of disturbances in the field of our body. If we can minimize the use of this equipment in our lives, then our electromagnetic field will become more harmonious.
Compounds that do not serve us:
Maybe we discover that we have to let go of some unions – people who constantly remind us of the old consciousness and constantly us to inject it. There will also be those people who have a positive impact on your old patterns, helping you break them down. Therefore, certain relationships to be maintained, even if not always harmonious – as they represent a challenge which will make you become more yourself. But in the case of these compounds more difficult the key is that you always use the opportunity to express who you are, even if it means a certain degree of uncomfortable confrontation. If you really have to stay in the relationship, this person will accept you as you really are, even if you do not agree with it. Together, you will come to the state when you will not need a constant confrontation. So pay attention to the fact that relationships to keep and which to let go. In such a manner open to the new consciousness and kundalini strengthens you through the use of a harmonized proper actions.
Compassion for every manifestation of Life:
Compassion is a component part of the soul, indicating that we are in communication with each manifestation of life. From energy looking at what we do other sentient being, we do to ourselves. And if you deny that our measures have an impact on the lives of others, it is therefore deny the internal aspect of themselves. Thus, examining the impact of our choices in life on the lives of others, we cause that increases our sensitivity and proximity with the whole of life. From the clothes we wear beginning, the food that we eat, to how we travel and what consumers in the society we are – all of these activities have the energy. When we become more aware of their actions, then compassion grows in a natural way, and this increases the flow of kundalini.
Integrating Kundalini
Generally, in order to activate the kundalini, we need to open and harmonize the chakras. According Approaches Open Hand chakras are places of exchange of consciousness in which the consciousness of the soul connects to the body and mind. In places where we identify with the body and mind, there is a loop, voltage and disconnect. Bringing conscious awareness in these places and alleviating them, restore the natural connection with the soul. The approach of the Open Hand do it by working with the breath exhalations for each chakra and relaxation until we will feel the presence of the soul. Another way is to work with a deep awareness of the body. In particular you fathom the density of the body and mind through movement and breath .; You feel and touch of light that penetrates you. When you synchronize with this radiating feeling literally become a sense of the soul, which in return is released in you. The more attention you spend this feeling, the stronger it becomes.
What must be remembered, however, is the fact that you can not separate the effective spiritual practice of its impact on your life. Activation of the chakras will bring us lessons to rewrite, as far as we navigate through the relationships and external circumstances. She shed no light on. So we will have to work on the indicated distortion if the spiritual work is to be fully integrated into our existence. Otherwise, we lose time. So in order to activate and release the balance of kundalini, you have to integrate the spiritual existence of our physical lives.
Traps activating Kundalini
Without this integration mentioned above, spiritual practice becomes either ineffective or distracts you from reality. In extreme circumstances, certain spiritual practices can lead to premature activation of the kundalini. It is then imposed without the proper integration of a new, higher level of existence in our lives. This is similar to the message of too large portion of electricity too small fuse. This leads to “burnout”. Such a person becomes disconnected from the real relationship with the world. It often seems distanced, distant, alienated and not fully in your body. This can lead to psychotic behavior.
Therefore, we must be careful with practices that unnatural pushing kundalini without the proper integration of higher spiritual behavior in our lives. In my experience, that psychedelic agents such as Ayahuasca, as well as forcing the Kundalini yogic breathing, a practice to which you should be careful. This is what we seek is a permanent and sustainable building kundalini energy over time, allowing it to gradually flow through our density, we were able to integrate it into daily life. It will then become the most richly rewarding, and its beneficial effects will be unimaginable.
When the kundalini is activated in a sustainable way, recognize that the growing sense of light, span and inner harmony. You notice that the universe speaks to you, your harmony. You feel like a soul compels you to act in harmony
with a natural stream. Increases the feeling of satisfaction. You are having frequent glare, during which you feel as though you have returned home; to who you really are.
The miracle of Kundalini
People experience the full activation of the kundalini through the work using the Open Hand. When the breakthrough finally occurs, it is a very special moment. Something that you appreciate for the rest of your life. Soul closed lower self climbs along the spine entwined serpents, and then renews the combination of higher and lower self in the third eye. The sense of a divided self disappears completely. There is your true self, everywhere and nowhere, penetrating spaces. Appears crystal clear clarity. Do you recognize yourself as an experimental unity. There is nothing that would suit her.
Since then swim endlessly as a soul, an individual manifestation of eternity. But the most important thing is that, although the experience of the soul, still recognize themselves as eternal presence that precedes it. You’re still the source – still an inexhaustible potential. It is as if at the same time be able to have a cookie and eat it too!
Therefore, I urge everyone to work on activating the kundalini to restore the tuning and communication with the universe – our natural state. But you have to do it carefully, attentively and progressive integration in our daily lives. This creates a solid base. We are able to harmonize with the interior as on the outside. It is a true bliss!
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